2018 June - Mandatory reporting of certain non-native animal species – outcome of public consultation


After consideration of feedback on its discussion paper ‘Notification of certain non-native animal species’, DPI has reconsidered a proposal that would have required people working in their professional capacity, including veterinarians, to report if they suspected or became aware of the presence of certain non-native animals. 

The aim of the proposed changes was to reduce the risk of certain non-native animal species (e.g. corn snakes) becoming endemic and resulting in a major environmental impact.

DPI will work with veterinarians to reduce the biosecurity risks associated with people keeping certain non-native animal species and provide educational material to assist with the identification of risk species. This includes supporting veterinarians in the educative role that they fulfil with their clients; and developing options for safe, voluntary reporting by veterinarians of suspected illegal non-native animal ownership.


Large American Corn Snake Albino American Corn SnakeAmerican Corn Snake

Copyright notice the images (above) are owned by NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) larger images and additional photos of the American Corn Snake can be seen on the DPI website.