DPI Research: Communication preferences for biosecurity information survey

The Australian National University science communication researchers are kindly asking registered veterinary practitioners within Australia to fill out a short online survey (which should take no longer than 10 minutes) about their communication preferences in regards to receiving animal biosecurity information.

SURVEY LINK - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/vetbiosecurityinfo

Updating veterinary practitioners on the latest biosecurity information relating to domestic and exotic animal health and disease alerts is of the utmost importance to enhance knowledge of this information in the sector and so that the most up to date information is being communicated to domestic animal owners.

The aim of this project is to better understand how to communicate with you (veterinary practitioners) in times of both notifiable and non-notifiable biosecurity alerts and animal disease outbreaks. The results will ensure that current and future communications in this space are tailored to mediums which veterinary practitioners are regularly engaged with.

This information will also assist biosecurity based communication professionals develop information that can be tailored and targeted in times of biosecurity alerts, ensuring most Vets within Australia are reached.

This survey is being undertaken as part of an Australian National University Master of Science Communication Research Project (ethics approval number 2017/317). 

The survey results will be published within the scientific literature and the findings will be publicised through veterinary groups.

 Survey participants remain anonymous and no contact details are requested only demographic data.

 A complete copy of the 'Participant's Information Sheet' is available from the Board’s website.

Queries, concerns or for more information:
Primary investigator: Dr Ian McDonald (completing a Master of Science Communication)
Tel: 0439 746 556 | Email: ian.mcdonald@anu.edu.au

Supervisor: Dr Merryn McKinnon

Tel: 02 6125 4951 | Email: merryn.mckinnon@anu.edu.au

The ethical aspects of this research have been approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee (Protocol 2017/317). If you have any concerns or complaints about how this research has been conducted, please contact:

Ethics Manager
The ANU Human Research Ethics Committee
The Australian National University
Telephone: +61 2 6125 3427
Email: Human.Ethics.Officer@anu.edu.au

This news article was published on 17 October 2018.