DPI:CVO Bulletin – Eastern Grey Kangaroo Mortalities

Please read the Bio Security Bulletin regarding Eastern Grey Kangaroo Mortalities in NSW, ACT and Victoria, July - September 2015.
This Bulletin is issued on behalf of  Ian Roth - the Chief Veterinary Officer in NSW.
Please address any queries you have regarding the information in the linked bulletin to:

Kelli Johnston | Veterinary Officer | Biosecurity NSW
Department of Primary Industries |161 Kite Street | Orange NSW 2800| Locked Bag 21 | Orange NSW 2800
T: 02 6391 3752 | F: 02 6361 9976 |
E: kelli.johnston@dpi.nsw.gov.au
W: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity

This news article was published on 20 March 2018.