Apply for a hospital licence
Download Form FH01 Application for a Veterinary Hospital Licence
Download GH01 Minimum Requirements for a Veterinary Hospital Licence
Download Form FH02 Appointment of a Veterinary Hospital Superintendent
Download guidelines for GH03 Self-assessment Checklist for Veterinary Hospital Superintendents
- The premises where procedures which require a general or spinal anaesthetic (major surgery) are performed must be licensed
- Licensed premises are not required if:
- The procedure was performed in an emergency
- It was impractical to move the animal because of its size or type
- It was dangerous to the health of the animal to move it to a veterinary hospital
- Please note that application payments cannot be made online
- Please ensure the Board receives your application at least 21 days before the next Board meeting
- If you are granted a hospital licence:
- You are given a Hospital Licence Number and you may start performing procedures which require a general or spinal anaesthetic as described by the type of licence at the premises
- Your Hospital is published on our online Hospital Register
- You will be sent a letter of acknowledgement with a Board approved sign certifying that the premises are licensed for a particular type of major surgery and this must be placed in a location expected to be seen by customers entering the premises
- The Board may impose specific conditions on a hospital licence
- All hospitals are inspected regularly and all licensed premises are subject to the condition of satisfactory assessments by the Board
The Board requires the Annual Licence Fee to be paid by 30 June