Issue 50 - Veterinarians’ knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding zoonoses


Research Survey

Veterinary Workforce Survey 2018Worldwide, seventy-five percent of emerging infectious diseases are zoonoses, a number of these being unique to Australia. These growing threats, along with other local endemic zoonotic infections, have the potential to present unique challenges to medical and veterinary practitioners both now and in the future.

In the face of these threats, we are seeking your participation in a unique research project investigating knowledge, attitudes and practices of Australian GPs and veterinary practitioners regarding zoonotic diseases, where we will be running parallel surveys of GPs and veterinarians. This research project is being conducted by a cross disciplinary team with backgrounds in medicine, public health, veterinary science, veterinary public health and epidemiology. 

We are asking all Australian veterinarians to complete a short online survey which should take about 10-15 minutes and can be accessed through the link below:

Any information collected will be kept anonymous. Information collected will be used in the future to assist practitioners to achieve better health outcomes for their patients. You can elect to go into the draw for 10 x $100 direct debit cards at the end of the survey.


Kind regards

Assoc Professor Jenny-Ann Toribio (Sydney School of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney)

Assoc Professor Siobhan Mor (Reader in One Health, Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool, UK)

Professor Robert Booy (Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney; Senior Professorial Fellow at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance)

Sandra Steele (PhD student, Sydney School of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney)