Issue 49 - From the Hospital Inspector’s car
Submitted by adminVetBoard on
Information technology in veterinary practices is certainly on the move in NSW.
I’ve noticed a significant increase in software programs that appear (from what I’m told) to be assisting practitioners in their business.
- Programs and screens to track in-house patient movements and their current treatment status (like an electronic white board in the treatment room)
- NSW Health approved software to track Schedule 8 inventory and balances (hence no need to keep an S8 register)
- The implementation of ‘e forms’ such as consents etc. on tablet computers (iPads) with electronic signatures and easily stored and retrieved if required.
In fact my own appointment diary and hospital checklist will soon be electronic. This system will assist me to plan travel and record non compliance and observations at inspection. Information will stream seamlessly into the Board’s database - an automated email will be generated which will require a response once the matter has been rectified by the practice.
The system will provide reports to the profession and be communicated via Boardtalk.
Appointment of superintendents
A friendly reminder that every licensed hospital in NSW must have a nominated superintendent who attends the practice at least once a week. The Board must be notified in writing of the nominated superintendent before that person assumes the duties of a superintendent. The requirement to notify the Board does not apply to short term appointments such as holidays etc., although the practice should internally appoint a veterinarian for this purpose.
Forms for notifying the Board can be found at:
Storage of euthanasia solution in safes
Since the Board recommended that euthanasia solutions such as Lethabarb be locked away, it is very pleasing to see the vast majority of veterinary hospitals co-operating.
It is rare now that I don’t see it locked up although some practices have safes that don’t easily fit the 450ml bottle. I would encourage them to go to the hardware store and buy one that will fit it. I’ve seen them for sale and they are not expensive.
Conclusion of this inspection cycle
As at 30 June 2018 there were 687 licensed veterinary hospitals in NSW. See Resources, Statistics, Hospital Licensing for further details.
Inspecting hospitals in a part time capacity, performing follow up inspections, unannounced inspections and duties such as investigations for the Board, has taken me around 5 years (to complete the cycle).
By the time you read this newsletter I should have completed them all. Time for a car service!
I’ve been with the Board since 2000 and in that time I’ve come to know many of you and I admire the profession immensely. It’s that respect and admiration that motivates me to do my best to assist the profession and protect the public in any way I can.
My hope is to perform at least one more cycle – with my new technology in hand!
I wish all readers of Boardtalk a very safe and happy Christmas period.
Glenn Lynch
Hospital Inspector / Investigator