2017 December - Social support, insomnia and psychological distress in Australian veterinarians


As part of a Masters of Clinical Psychology program at Federation University, Sue Titcumb, Principal Consultant at Impulsion Consulting, is seeking veterinarians aged between 18 and 65 years, and currently registered and practising in Australia, to participate in a study for a thesis project.

The research hopes to quantify the occurrence of insomnia in a sample of Australian veterinarians and to determine whether there is an association between insomnia and psychological distress. The research is also seeking to understand whether perceived social support acts as a buffer in the relationship between insomnia and psychological distress in veterinarians.

Individuals volunteering to participate in this research project will be asked to complete an anonymous, online survey which should take no more than 10 - 20 minutes to complete. The survey asks for some background information, as well as questions relating to well-being, sleep duration and quality, and perceived levels of social support. All responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential.

Anyone interested in participating in this study is invited to use the web link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/veterinariansleepstudy